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Baptism in the Holy Land...wow!
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Some of the Mallan clan

Meet Jen

Jen Mallan is a dynamic communicator, both on-air and in-person, with a passion for lifelong learning and personal development. As the Founder of Jen Mallan Ministries and the host of Come Home with Jen on CTN, Jen shares her heart for encouraging and equipping women to live out their Kingdom calling.

Jen’s expertise has led her to be featured as a guest on major Christian networks such as the 700 Club, TBN, CTN, Word Network, and Daystar. With a desire to see women grow both as fierce Kingdom warriors and as Christ’s beloved, her messages inspire action and intimacy with God. She is deeply rooted in the Hebraic understanding of Scripture, delivering content that is powerful, thought-provoking, and practical for everyday life.

In addition to her media presence, Jen is an accomplished author, collaborator, and influencer. As a certified coach through Coach Training Alliance (CTA), she has trained and mentored leaders across the globe for over three decades. Her entrepreneurial spirit has shaped her into a trusted leader, guiding others to reach their full potential.

Jen believes in living a life that leans into God, trusting His guidance at every turn. Peace flows alongside her passion, allowing her to navigate life’s challenges with grace and strength.

Beyond her professional accomplishments, Jen is a devoted wife, mother, and active grandmother, living with her family in Tampa. Her mission remains clear: to equip women to stand boldly in their faith and pursue the purpose God has set before them.

Let's Connect

Media Host & Interviews

Jen Mallan’s presence as a media host extends across networks, and she’s available for interviews to share her insights on faith, leadership, and empowerment. Engage with Jen for thoughtful discussions that resonate with your audience.

CONTACT ME to confirm a guest appearance or hosting opportunity.


With years of experience as a public speaker, media host, and event facilitator, Jen is ready to bring her expertise to your next event. Whether you're planning for an intimate group or a large audience, Jen’s dynamic approach will inspire and engage. Let’s work together to make your event unforgettable

CONTACT ME to confirm a speaking or facilitation engagement.


Need a fresh voice or a seasoned teacher to convey a powerful message? Jen’s passion for teaching women, combined with her extensive library of resources, ensures impactful sessions tailored to your audience. Partner with Jen to inspire growth and unleash potential   

CONTACT ME to explore learning opportunities.


Ready to take your Kingdom voice to the airwaves or refine your existing media presence? Jen offers personalized coaching to help you expand your influence with confidence and professionalism. Whether you’re starting out or looking to grow, Jen is here to guide you

CONTACT ME to explore 1-on-1 coaching or the possibility of a small group experience.

What others are saying about Jen...

"I have known Jen for over 20 years. She trained me to do inner city kids ministry. She is anointed and on fire for God. Where ever she goes her light shines bright to win souls for the kingdom of God. One encounter with her will be life-changing as God uses her in a mighty way. She is a gifted speaker and encourager. She is a blessing to everyone she meets." S Cauley

"You have had a huge impact on my life, Jen! Even in these few years I have known you- your sisterhood, encouragement, wisdom and laughter has spurred me on in my walk and relationship with Yeshua Jesus! Whether it be in a Zoom Bible study, text message, email, phone call or, better yet, in person—my time spent with you always- always- always- leaves me refreshed and reminded of who I am in Christ and excited for my future! You have not only been a spiritual cheerleader in my life but a true role model and beautiful example of what a servant leader in Jesus looks like. I am blessed to call you sister and friend. You are like family- truly we’re from the same tribe- amen?!! I rejoice in the Lord for crossing our lives and hearts and bless you as follow Him into this exciting new season you were made for! The best is yet to come!!"  C Vales

"Jen has been a mentor of mine for a few years now, and she’s helped catapult me into new seasons and opportunities. With timeless teachings and a heart of gold for God, she is someone I have been able to count on for sound advice and encouragement when I need it most. She’s reminded me time and time again that I can do the hard things and chase the calling on my own life. Her impact is invaluable. I love and adore her with all my heart!" B Robles