I have said it before and will say it again – on every woman’s horizon there is both a war and a wedding! Not in the natural realm, but in the very real, spiritual realm. We need to prepare for both realities as we step into the future. And today I want us to focus on the War before us.
We can no longer be confined by traditional gender mindsets… girls just “look pretty and cheer” while the guys do all the fighting. We may have seen ourselves in the part of Sleeping Beauty but it is time to wake up! Jesus, the Prince of Peace, has kissed His beloved awake and we must now arise and take our place… on the battlefield. For our Father God has created us to be both BEAUTIFUL and POWERFUL. If you haven’t already adopted it, let me invite you to assume a new identity – that of a Warrior Bride of Jesus Christ, called to combat.
I love the story of the damsel in distress who becomes the woman she is destined to become. She doesn’t let her past or her origin or her birthplace or her poverty or any life circumstance define who she is. She discovers, in her struggle and life journey, that she is stronger than she realized and she wins! Cinderella arises from the ashes to become the queen. Esther musters up her courage and saves the Hebrew people. This storyline is not just a fairy tale. This is the story of our lives too. I was that distressed damsel, given up at birth, held captive by rejection and an orphan spirit. I was asleep to my true identity until a radical encounter with Jesus awakened me. I know the battles I faced to break through the enemy’s plan for my destruction and I know that the fight continues for my destiny and Christ’s Kingdom. We are each a beautiful damsel with a powerful, I triumphant destiny in Christ. Let’s wake up and rise up as a mighty force to be reckoned with. Together sisters, let’s storm the gates of hell to recover all the enemy has stolen from us!
As I write this we are entering into a new month on God’s calendar, Nissan. It is the month of miracles, deliverance and divine turnarounds. It also reveals a battle strategy to gain victory in every life battle. We will win with “violent praise” and extravagant worship. That’s our secret weapon – thanksgiving and praise. Worship is our fight song. His Word tells us that our weapons are not carnal but spiritual and mighty for the tearing down of strongholds. (2 Corinthians 6:7) Ladies, this is our season of awakening and deliverance from all that has held us captive and kept us “asleep.”
Let’s not forget that He has also given us an amazing suit of armor and we look good in it! The shield of faith protects us from fiery enemy assault. His Word, in our mouths, is the mighty sword that cuts through darkness and destroys it. Jesus has given us the authority of His name and the resurrection power of His blood. We have the authority to trample on scorpions and serpents and over all the power of the enemy. Nothing shall, by any means, hurt you or harm you. (Luke 10:19)
Spend some time with Holy Spirit to discover, and to stir up, your hidden strengths and super-powers in Christ. Just let me offer this word of warning – the enemy will tell you that your challenges and struggles are God’s fault, that He has left you or forgotten you or that He just doesn’t care about you. That’s a lie. Jesus told us that the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy… the attacks are his doing, not God’s. The devil is terrified that we might join this fight because he knows the gates of hell cannot prevail against us once the Warrior Bride wakes up and suits up.
But be assured a life of combat isn’t the whole story. Jesus has declared His mission statement for your life. “I have come to give you life.” He has promised abundant life. Life to its fullest. Zoe life. A rich and satisfying life. That is our promise. Expect miracles, blessing, provision and supernatural protection. Expect angels to minister to you, joy to strengthen you and God’s peace to keep you through the wildest storms.
No question about it, even when you’ve been in a fight and you are muddied and bruised, you are still His beautiful bride. He loves you. In truth, He adores you! So, wake up, wake up, wake up! Sing a new song, sing your personal fight song. Claim the victories God has ordained for you! Those combat boots look good on you. Just don’t forget your warpaint (lipstick)!