Welcome to Jen Mallan Ministries!
When I stepped out to create this ministry my desire was that it would reflect my passionate commitment to faith, empowerment, and community. As you scroll down this page you will see the three passions of my heart.
I invite you to join this incredible mission that God has entrusted to those who feel called to make a Kingdom impact. Let’s unite and see how the Holy Spirit can work through a global community of strong women, committed to fulfilling our destinies for His glory.Â

I have always desired to be a beacon of hope and support for women from all walks of life. Every woman deserves to realize her worth, embrace her unique purpose, and experience the joy-filled life that God has intended for her.
In every woman's future there is a wedding and a war...we must be prepared for both. Let's become a sisterhood that learns, loves and grows together. Let's pray for each other, fight for each other, comfort and strengthen each other, and grow into all the promises of God.
"The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is upon me, for the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed." Isaiah 61:1
Like countless women around the world, my heart is breaking over future generations and the world they will face. Our children are being assaulted in so many ways and on so many fronts.
We must speak up for these voiceless, vulnerable ones -- from babies in the womb to orphans and foster children to those who are still in the captivity of abuse, trafficking, addiction, poverty and war. If we don't fight for them, who will? Let's band together to bring solutions, strategies and hope for the tomorrow God desires for His children.

Believers, let's stand with true Israel, the chosen people of our Savior, Yeshua. Don't you desire to be part of the ONE NEW MAN that will usher in the return of our King?
I know I am called to pray for our Israeli brothers and sisters and to broadcast their needs through the media platform I have been given. I thank God for CTN! They have opened the airways for this message of hope! As a Spirit-led coalition, Christian Television Network (CTN 22), the Aliyah Foundation, Inc. and Restore Hope Israel, are standing with Israel and fervently praying for the peace of Jerusalem to be restored.
NOW is the time for Holy Spirit to be poured out like rain over Israel. NOW is the time for the gospel of Jesus Christ to go forth in power. NOW is the time for eyes to be opened and hearts softened to receive Yeshua, the Messiah!
Let’s join in one heart and one voice to pray that salvation comes for God’s chosen people- in Israel and throughout the world! May One New Man come forth to receive our King!
Upcoming Events
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Thank you for praying for and partnering with Jen Mallan Ministries to light up the world for the Kingdom of God, until Christ returns as our Bridegroom and King!
Every donation makes a difference, especially recurring gifts which allow us to tackle the bigger, ongoing initiatives. Partnerships are also available if you wish to become more actively engaged with the ministry.
Your support enables us to reach around the world...
- with a strong and constant media voice and ministry outreach that is taking back the airwaves for the Kingdom of God.
- with online teaching and training content that puts powerful resources into the hands of those discipling others across the globe.
- with a solid commitment to collaboration partners who are powerfully impacting the fate of human trafficking victims, foster children, and those trapped in devastating poverty.
- with "Vanity for Humanity" and product sales that provide medical equipment to the mission field.
Together we will empower women, protect future generations, and bless Israel, making a real impact for the Kingdom of God. Use the link below to support the Jen Mallan media, outreach, and teaching ministries. Thank you!