what a wonderful time!!
This was a call to Warriors on the FRONT LINES! Share your insights and testimonies!
Prayer Warriors, Kingdom Influencers, Activists for the Gospel and the faithful ones sold-out to Jesus!

What a joy it was to host you all at the Beauty for Ashes retreat. I am still basking in the richness of the fellowship with you and with our Father!
Words cannot express how grateful I am to the amazing team of volunteers who made it possible! Those who attended will never know the sacrifices this mighty group made to provide such a wonderful experience. Thank you!
And THANK YOU to the awesome women who came in to lead the sessions and impart into each of us from the fullness of their lives and ministries. What a gift they are to the Body of Christ. We bless them for their investment in us!!
Please respond to the email we sent and share your pictures, testimonies and insights with us so we can share with everyone here and on FaceBook. YOU made this experience what it was, by your participation, openness, and willingness to grow and share. Isn't bodylife a wonderful gift?!
I invite you to stay connected...through social media, the celebration of Rosh Chodesh (on zoom every month) and at our Feast gatherings. Blessings always!